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Robel (Robbie) Dersuma
Sophie Sutherland
Tai Young
Martin Leduc
Logan Chalmers
Erin Arbuckle
Daniel Lee
Daniella Altieri
Max LeMoine
Sydney Melindy
Victoria Chen
Thalia Avgousti
Bryce Desrochers
Dylan Kingston
Katrina Lamothe
Owen DiManno
Evan McDonald
Grace Kennedy, Caledon
Lina Elsaadi, Brantford
Hannah Walker, Whitby
Kellen Schleyer, Ottawa
Sydney Gillam, Napanee
Eric Morden, Oakville
Bridget Steele, Thunder Bay
Brooke Connell, London
Logan Wong, Toronto
Julia Gaidychuk, Whitby
Hannah Boamah, Richmond Hill
Kimberley Chiasson, Sudbury
Nicholas Irvine, Windsor
Breanna Mastroianni, Sudbury
Megan Sherwin, Toronto
Every two years EKO hosts this pinnacle event for the child development sector and the largest gathering of professionals and stakeholders from Ontario and across Canada.