2022-2023 Annual Report

Dear Friends,

It’s been a momentous year for Ontario’s child development sector and for EKO. This year the government announced historic funding in children’s healthcare with ministries working together to support kids and families. We held our first—and largest—in-person conference in several years. The 2023 EKO Spring Symposium brought more than 300 people together for two days of learning, sharing and networking. We officially changed our name, welcomed another new member, and updated our bylaws and Articles of Corporation well in advance of deadlines set by Ontario’s Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010.

EKO is supporting another six promising youth with the EKO Scholarship, and we recognized nine incredible individuals for the 2023 Tribute Awards. Nominators, endorsers and the award recipients themselves represent an outstanding array of nationally and internationally known child development professionals, disability advocates and accessibility champions.

We introduced new initiatives so no kids with disabilities and developmental differences are left behind. We have a lot to be proud of and many to thank, starting with our members. We also have more work ahead as together we keep raising the bar for Ontario families. This was another year of significant challenge as we emerged from the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Ontario was already facing one crisis before the pandemic: kids waiting longer than adults for healthcare, including in some regions waits for child development services well outside the clinically recommended window. COVID-19 added to these pressures. During the pandemic almost 300,000 babies were born in our province—at least 10 per cent of whom will need early intervention and urgent, often ongoing help from our healthcare system—in addition to those already waiting for services, counselling and medical care. Ontario families needed broad investment in children’s physical, developmental and mental health care delivered at home, in hospital, in the community and at school.

The Ontario government committed a multi-pronged investment in children’s healthcare—an innovative approach across ministries that looks at the whole system of care, not just certain elements of it. The government is doing things differently, and we can, too. The Children’s Health Coalition, of which EKO is a founding member, delivers every kind of care a child could need across the continuum, so the entire healthcare system can work better to support kids and their families no matter what challenges they are facing.

EKO members are receiving $45 million annually through this investment. In addition to $60-million increase for child development announced in the 2021 budget, we’ve brought $105 million more to our sector in the last two years.

Our dedication to kids with disabilities and their families living their best lives is at the heart of who we are. This is what drives EKO and our members to work smarter, to broaden our network and deepen relationships. As we look back on this past year, we are proud of the giant leaps forward. We plan to continue surpassing expectations.

Tom's Signature

Tom Walters


Jen's Signature

Jennifer Churchill


Advances toward
no kids left behind

Children’s Health Coalition

Ontario’s historic investment in child development/children’s healthcare:

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$300M+ annually for children’s health is innovative and historic

  • $45M for child development and rehabilitation

Innovative and historic investment in children’s health system that includes child development, mental health, acute care and surgical care

  • Recognizes wait times for child development services is as important as addressing wait times for surgery

Modernizing Data

Secured funds for new Client Information System for Children’s Treatment Centres:

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Through a provincial procurement process, the Client Information System will improve privacy and security of Personal Health Information, and ensure alignment with current and future ministry reporting.

Shared Passion and Purpose:

Venn diagram with over lap of Diverse voices and Better Ideas and Solutions
woman with backpack drinking a coffee

Thank you to the following organizations for presenting/leading programs:

  • SMILE Canada
  • Sawubona Africentric Circle of Support
  • Asé Community Foundation for Black Canadians with Disabilities
  • CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research
  • Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion
  • Ontario Association of Young Parent Agencies

Commitment to Families: Implementing SmartStart Hubs

Through collective implementation efforts, EKO helped members prepare for the introduction of SmartStart Hubs and strengthen their ability to serve all families who have concerns about their children’s development.

Anti-racism and newcomer training

1,324 clinician registrations

140 board director registrations

4 online learning sessions

About My Child is the evidence-based tool that guides conversations between SmartStart Hubs clinicians and clients regarding children’s strengths, interests and participation in everyday activities. EKO facilitated access for members to About My Child training.

623 registrations

140 online learning sessions

F-Words for Child Development–the internationally renowned, holistic and strength-based approach for health and development built on the words functioning, family, fitness, fun, friends and future.

623 registrations

Research Partnerships

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9  letters of support for research grants

  • Bloorview Research Institute
  • CanChild
  • Child-Bright Network-McGill University

Impact and Reach

4 Partners

  • Presenting Partner: AlayaCare
  • Signature Partners: LEVIO, MD+A Solutions, Bloorview Research Institute

3 VIP guests

  • Her Honour Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
  • Hon. Michael Parsa, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services
  • Mr. Lorne Coe, MPP Whitby and PA to the Premier

300 attendees

  • 189 EKO member delegates
  • 96 non-member delegates
  • 15 students
  • 2 weeks before deadline: maximum # delegates already registered

80% delegates downloaded the conference app

1/3rd of all delegates completed the EKO Spring Symposium evaluation

  • 97% considered keynotes and concurrent sessions relevant
  • 99% say the EKO Spring Symposium was informative, motivating and fun
  • 92% would absolutely recommend the program to colleagues

3 in-person keynotes

1 virtual advance keynote

28 concurrent sessions

2 poster presentations

1 Schmooza Palooza Speed Networking

1/3rd of all delegates attended Schmooza Palooza

Over 85,000 interactions with EKO on social media

9 Awards
11 nominators
15 endorsers
Hon. David Onley Hon. David Onley
Former Senator Jim Munson Jim Munson
Louise Kinross Louise Kinross
Dr. Ripudaman Minhas Dr. Ripudaman Minhas
Monika Myers Monika Myers
Elizabeth Gunner Elizabeth Gunner
Dr. Nicola Jones-Stokreef Dr. Nicola Jones-Stokreef
Rachel Teplicky Rachel Teplicky
Liviya Mendelsohn Liviya Mendelsohn

2023 EKO Scholars

9 Awards
11 nominators
15 endorsers
Logan Chalmers Logan Chalmers
Martin Leduc Martin Leduc
Robel Dersuma Robel Dersuma
Erin Arbuckle Erin Arbuckle*
Sophie Sutherland Sophie Sutherland
Tai Young Tai Young

*Photo credit by Jenna Gernon Photography

kids ina gym smiling holding a basketball


Financial Performance

Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets Year ended March 31

Finacials line item 2023 2022
Restricted Contributions $ $
CRISP 704,875 896,932
Client Information System 537,210 -
SmartStart Hub 150,000 -
Capacity Building and Research 100,000 1,150,000
Scholarships 12,500 15,000
1,504,585 2,061,932
Restricted Contributions $ $
CRISP 704,875 896,932
Client Information System 537,210 -
SmartStart Hub 150,000 -
Capacity Building and Research 100,000 1,150,000
Scholarships 12,500 15,000
1,504,585 2,061,932
Excess restricted revenue over restricted expenses
Unrestricted Revenue
Membership 1,085,045 893,573
Other revenue 136,071 45,582
Interest income 53,790 7,993
Annual conference 2,730 -
Donations 24 497
1,227,660 947,645
Unrestricted Expenses
Salaries and benefits 641,239 491,539
Professional Fees 113,492 59,518
Marketing and communications 68,098 29,881
Office 40,676 22,462
Committees 21,796 958
Annual conference 13,476 -
Travel 11,973 2,801
Rent 11,860 11,433
Project expense 10,907 55,717
Professional development 8,649 6,895
Board 7,996 14,571
Amortization 373 152
970,535 695,927
Excess of unrestricted revenue over unrestricted expenses 307,125 251,718
Operating fund balance, beginning of year 998,137 746,419
Operating fund balance, end of year 1,305,262 998,137